24 setembro 2011

Em um pedaço de papel

Olhando a papelada que costumava ficar sobre a minha mesa e que havia ficado "perdida" durante nossa mudança, encontrei duas folhas de um pequeno bloco de notas onde havia escrito algo não me lembro quando. Pensei em jogar fora. Depois decidi colocar no blog.

You are a person, you are a friend.
You are a brother, an uncle, a nephew, a grandson.
You are MY son
And you are loved.

You were wonderfully made.

With great expectation your arrival into this world was awaited.
You filled my heart with love and joy...
You brought out the best in me so that I'd be worthy to be called a mother.

You are a part of me,

a part of this family.

You were given such great intelligence and so many natural talents!

You are a special being with the ability to think, and the liberty of making your own decisions
and of choosing your own destiny...

You are greatly loved by a special person.

This person knows everything about you.
He has plans for good and not for evil,
To give you a future and a hope.

You can be much more...

I just wish and pray
I will still be here when you finally get there.

(Escrito para um de meus filhos, originalmente postado em 26.04.2010, no "Jambalaya".)

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